The human brain is the most complex phenomenal in the universe.I lost my
glasses and for nearly 12 days (end of September) and couldn't find them. I was
looking everywhere in the house, even the bins. I went into the loft room and
had forgotten my reason or going up there. I was determined to know why I went
up there and decided to try my best to find out. Was I going to be like my
neighbor victim of the debilitating loss of brain function, Alzheimer's
disease? I was becoming concerned, as I was always forgetting things and was
wondering if these wakes up call trying to tell me have Alzheimer's?
It intrigued
me how the brain worked and I wanted to know why and how this happens. I
had decided to research dementia so the understand of it would be clear if I
might possibly be diagnosed with. I viewed numerous images of MRI scans of the
brain when it was being affected by dementia and before it had dementia. It
then occurred to me what the brain would look like in the human eye, before and
after the effects of dementia. I had found a image, which was a brain sliced in
half, put next to and compared to another brain, again sliced in half. I could
see the significant differences and it scared me that could be my brain in
years to come if I did have dementia.
I decided to
occupy my self with something else so I could forget about what could possibly
be me as it was frightened. I decided to make myself food. I was looking
for lemon juice and noticed that we have run out. I remembered that I had a
Persian substitute to lemon juice made from raw grapes. I had forgotten to put
it in the fridge for nearly 2 weeks. I noticed that it had carboxylic acid
mould (imaged above) I was disgusted and wanted to empty it out. As I emptied
out the jug, the mould that discussed me intrigued me. I put the mould in a
safe place to dry. The next morning I went and looked at it. The carboxylic acid looked liked
the gyros ands sulcus of the brain. It also instantly
reminded of the brain before and after the effect of Alzheimer's as the mould
had separated into various parts and I had notices that it had decreased in
size. Just like they brain decreases when it is effected by Alzheimer’s.
How the mould
was shaped looked just similar to the structure of the brain. This was my first
discovery of the connection of art and science in this semester.
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