Sunday, 22 January 2012

Beauty Of Dead Object

 Object # 3

My inspiration for this experiment is object#1&2. Because I love how I could capture so much emotion and effect in just one image, and also for it to become so beautiful and attention grabbing. I experimented with this object until I had captured the best possible image of this object. It think this is successful as it really shows beauty of dead object in our nature; the object are dark in centre and the ends are light with the texture in powerful black as a background, I wanted to capture what I was feeling.
As Eva Smart said every sights and exchanges could have a powerful affect on us, therefore art that has been intentionally created in order to transmit a point of view can have a radical affect on our emotions and reasoning processes. Art in all of its forms visual art, performance, and music, literature enters our perception with a flood of input that become permanent memories. 


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